Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Variation in minijack rate among Columbia River Basin Chinook salmon hatchery populations 2014

Presentation by Don Larsen (NOAA) on Variation in minijack rate among Columbia River Basin Chinook salmon ha

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Assessment of Passage Route Effects on Smolt Survival at Roza and Prosser Dams 2014

Presentation by Toby Kock (USGS) on Assessment of Passage Route Effects on Smolt Survival at Roza and Prosse

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Overview of Fisheries Activities in the Yakima Basin 2014

Presentation by Dave Fast (YN Fisheries) with an Overview of Fisheries Activities in the Yakima Basin.

Other (Habitat) Methow Chewuch River 8 Mile Ranch Project (Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP)) Chewuch River 8 Mile Ranch Vegetation Map 2014

Map of the planting plan for the Chewuch River 8 Mile Ranch Project. A part of the Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (#2009-003-00).

Administrative & Planning Documents Upper Columbia Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP) Upper Columbia Revised Biological Strategy 2014 2014

A Biological Strategy to Protect and Restore Salmonid Habitat in the Upper Columbia Region: A Draft Report to the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Bo

Annual Report Regional Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration (2008-470-00) 2013/2014 Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Project Annual Progress Report 2014

Annual report for the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration Project, covering work conducted from March 2013 through Februar

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Regional Yakama Nation Brownfields Project (Columbia Basin Toxics Cleanup Project) Abstract Hazardous Waste Sites along the Columbia River, Yakama Nation's Work to Identify and Prioritize Sites 2014

Presentation by Rose Longoria (YN) on Hazardous Waste Sites along the Columbia River, Yakama Nation's Work to Identify and Prioritize Sites.

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference White Salmon Yakima River Management & Data -Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)(1988-120-25) Abstract Native Plant Restoration on the Former Condit Reservoir, White Salmon River 2014

Presentation by Jeanette Burkhardt (YN) and Katrina Strathmann (MCFEG) on Native Plant Restoration on the Former Condit Reservoir, White Salmon Riv

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima River Steelhead Population Status and Trends Monitoring (VSP) (2010-030-00) Yakima Steelhead Telemetry Research 2014

Presentation by Chris Frederiksen -(YN) on Yakima Steelhead Telemetry Research.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Competition Between Brook and Cutthroat Trout 2014

Presentation by Ethan Green (CWU) on Competition Between Brook and Cutthroat Trout