Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Reach Assessment & Project Identification Entiat Entiat Stilwaters 3-D Reach Assessment (Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP)) Entiat Upper Stillwaters Reach Assessment w/ Appendices 2013

A Reach Assessment for the Stillwaters reach of the Entiat River was completed in 2013 by Inter-Fluve for the YN Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration

Reach Assessment & Project Identification Methow Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP) Twisp River Mile 0.5 Concept Design Report 2013

A concept design report for the Twisp River Mile 0.5, prepared by Inter-Fluve for YN Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (#2009-003-00).

Other (Wildlife) Mid-Columbia Woodpecker Nest Survival in Managed Ponderosa Pine Forests (Timber, Fish and Wildlife (TFW)) Black bear (Ursus americanus) predation on nest contents of cavity-nesting birds along the east slope Cascades 2013

A 2011 paper by J Kozma (YN) on Black bear (Ursus americanus) predation on nest contents of cavity-nesting birds along the east slope Cascades.

Other (Wildlife) Mid-Columbia Woodpecker Nest-site Characteristics in Managed Ponderosa Pine Stands (Timber, Fish, and Wildlife (TFW)) Nest-site characteristics of three woodpecker species in managed ponderosa pine forests of the eastern Cascade Range 2013

Paper by Jeff Kozma (YN) in the Autumn 2012 Northwestern Naturalist on Nest-site characteristics of three woodpecker species in managed ponderosa p

Reach Assessment & Project Identification Entiat Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (#2009-003-00) Upper Stillwaters RA Data Summary 2013

Upper Stillwaters Reach Assessment Data Summary excel spreadsheet

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Regional Abstract The Genetic Basis for the Propensity to Migrate in a Sequestered Population of Rainbow and Steelhead Trout 2013

Presentation by Ben Hecht (CRITFC) on the Genetic Basis for the Propensity to Migrate in a  Sequestered Population of Rainbow and Steelhead Trout.<

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Klickitat Abstract An overview and update from the local salmon habitat recovery hub: the Klickitat Lead Entity 2013

Presentation by John Foltx (Klickitat NRD) with an overview and update from the local salmon habitat recovery hub:  the Klickitat Lead Entity.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Survival and Traits of Reconditioned Kelt Steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Yakima River, Washington 2013

Presentation by Doug Hatch (CRITFC) on Survival and Traits of Reconditioned Kelt Steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Yakima River, Washington.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima Beaver Project 2013

Presentation by William Meyer (WDFW) on the Yakima Beaver Project.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Spring Chinook Hooking Mortality Research 2013

Presentation by Anthony Fritts (WDFW) on Spring Chinook Hooking Mortality Research.