Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration (2008-470-00) Pacific Lamprey Supplementation: "Look out, propagated lamprey coming near you!" 2015

Presentation by Ralph Lampman (YN) on Pacific Lamprey Supplementation.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima YKFP Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation Project (1995-063-25) Synthesis of Findings from an Integrated Hatchery Program after Three Generations of Natural Spawning 2015

A presentation by Bill Bosch (YN) on the Synthesis of Findings from an Integrated Hatchery Program after Thr

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima Basin Integrated Plan – Early Implementation 2015

Presentation by Walter Larrick (BOR) on the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan – Early Implementation.

Reach Assessment & Project Identification Methow Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP) Upper Methow River Reach Assessment w/ Appendices 2015

A Reach Assessment of the Upper Methow River was completed in 2015 by Inter-Fluve for the YN Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (#2009-003-

Presentation/Poster/Brochure Mid-Columbia Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Overview 2015

Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) Overview (slide show).

Annual Report Regional Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration (2008-470-00) Distribution and Occupancy of Pacific Lamprey in Six Major Columbia River Subbasins within the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands: Summary from 2009-2015 Surveys 2015

Annual report for the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration Project, summarizing surveys for Pacific lamprey throughout the

Annual Report Yakima Yakima Steelhead Viable Salmonid Population (VSP) Monitoring Project(2010-030-00) 2014/2015 Yakima Steelhead Viable Salmonid Population Monitoring Annual Report (Status) 2015

Annual report for the Yakima Steelhead Viable Salmonid Population (VSP) Monitoring Project, covering population status.Covers work conducted from O

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Mid-Columbia Abstract Hood River Basin Climate and Streamflow Study 2015

Presentation by Cindy Thieman (Hood River Watershed Group) and Niklas Christensen (Watershed Professionals

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Mid-Columbia Abstract Early Progress on Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River Lamprey Projects 2015

Presentation by Andrew Wildbill (CTWS) on Early Progress on Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River Lamprey Projects.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Evaluation of factors affecting bull trout and kokanee production in Kachess and Keechelus Reservoirs 2015

Presentation by Adam G Hansen, David A Beauchamp and Matt Polacek on Evaluation of factors affecting bull trout and kokanee production in Kachess a