Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Other (Wildlife) Mid-Columbia White-headed Woodpecker Home Ranges in Managed Ponderosa Pine Forests (Timber, Fish and Wildlife (TFW)) Foraging plasticity by a keystone excavator, the white-headed woodpecker, in managed forests: Are there consequences for productivity? 2016

Publication in the Journal of Forest Ecology and Management on Foraging plasticity by a keystone excavator, the white-headed woodpecker, in managed

Annual Report Lower Columbia Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration (2008-470-00) Lower Columbia Tributaries Larval Lamprey Monitoring Report, 2016 2016

Annual report for the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration Project, covering larval surveys in tributaries to the Lower Col

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference White Salmon Klickitat River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) (1995-063-35) Abstract Recolonization by Steelhead and Salmon in the White Salmon Watershed 2016

Presentation by Joe Zendt (YN) on the Recolonization by Steelhead and Salmon in the White Salmon Watershed – Results of Spawner Surveys following t

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Community Based Salmon Recovery 2016

Presentation by Darcy Batura (YBFWRB) on Community Based Salmon Recovery.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Floodplain Restoration on the Naches and Yakima Rivers 2016

Presentation by Joel Freudenthal (Yakima Co) on Floodplain Restoration on the Naches and Yakima Rivers.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima River Coho Project (YKFP) Yakima Basin Coho Reintroduction 2016

Presentation by Todd Newsome (YN Fisheries) on Yakima Basin Coho Reintroduction.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima A Pilot Study of Reconditioned Kelt Steelhead Spawning in an Artificial Channel 2016

Presentation by Ryan Branstetter (CRITFC) on A Pilot Study of Reconditioned Kelt Steelhead Spawning in an Artificial Channel.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Final USFWS Bull Trout Recovery Plan 2016

Presentation by Judy Neibauer (USFWS) on the Final USFWS Bull Trout Recovery Plan.

Annual Report Yakima Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)(1995-063-25) 2016 YKFP Project Overview: Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation in the Upper Yakima Basin 2016

Annual report for the YN/WDFW YKFP Upper Yakima Spring Chinook Supplementation Project. Covers work conducted 1/2016-12/2016.

Annual Report Yakima Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project (1992-062-00) 2015 Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project Annual Report 2016

2015 Annual report submitted to BPA for the Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project (1992-062-00).