Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Presentation/Poster/Brochure Mid-Columbia Yakama Nation Sturgeon Management Project (2008-455-00) YN White Sturgeon Management Project Fact Sheet 2018

Fact sheet for the Yakama Nation White Sturgeon Management Project (2018)

Reach Assessment & Project Identification Entiat Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (#2009-003-00) Lower Mad River Reach Assessement 2018

Lower Mad River Reach Assessement and Restoration Strategy

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima AmeriCorps Contribution to Salmon Recovery in the Yakima Basin 2018

Presentation given by Josh Perry (WCC) on the AmeriCorps Contribution to Salmon Recovery in the Yakima Basin.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Bull Trout Passage at Clear Lake 2018

Presentation given by Jeff Thomas (USFWS) on the NF Tieton bull trout transport project.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Passage and survival of out-migrating steelhead smolts at Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge 2018

Presentation by Jason Romine (USFWS) on the passage and survival of out-migrating steelhead smolts at Toppenish National

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Recovery, rematuration, and reproductive performance in steelhead 2018

Presentation by Laura Jenkins (U of Idaho) on the Recovery, rematuration, and reproductive performance in repeat spawning

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Mid-Columbia Abstract Pacific lamprey within Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River 2018

Presentation give by Andy Johnsen (CTWS) on Pacific lamprey within Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River: Updates on distributions, abundance, and migra

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Mid-Columbia Abstract Temperature Modelling of Fifteenmile Creek 2018

Presentation by Derrek Faber (ODFW) on Temperature Modelling of Fifteenmile Creek.

Annual Report Upper Columbia Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration (2008-470-00) Translocation of Adult Pacific Lamprey within the Upper Columbia, 2017-2018 Broodstock 2018

Annual report for the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration Project, covering adult Pacific Lamprey translocations in the Up

Annual Report Mid-Columbia Mid-Columbia Reintroduction Feasibility Study (1996-040-00) 2016 Mid-Columbia Coho Reintroduction Project Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report 2017

Annual report for Mid-Columbia coho reintroduction monitoring and evaluation under the Mid-Columbia Reintroduction Feasibility Study Project.