Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Annual Report Yakima Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project (#1996-035-01) 2008 Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Annual Report (fish and habitat) 2008

2008 Annual report submitted to BPA for the Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project (#1996-035-01).

Annual Report Klickitat Klickitat Management, Data and Habitat Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)(1988-120-35) 2008 YKFP Klickitat Management, Data and Habitat Annual Report 2008

Annual report for the Klickitat Management, Data and Habitat Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP). Covers work conducted from May 1, 2007  thr

Annual Report Klickitat Klickitat River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) (1995-063-35) 2005 Klickitat Subbasin Monitoring and Evaluation Project (YKFP) Annual Report 2008

Annual report for the Klickitat River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP). Covers work conducted from May 1, 2007 t

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Klickitat Klickitat River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) (1995-063-35) Abstract Monitoring and Evaluation of Anadromous Salmonids in the Klickitat Subbasin 2008

Presentation by Joe Zendt (YN) on Monitoring and Evaluation of Anadromous Salmonids in the Klickitat Subbasin.

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Klickitat Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (KWEP) (Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)) Abstract 2008 An Overview of the Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (Conley) 2008

Presentation by Will Conley with an Overview of the Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (1997-056-00)

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Disease and declining amphibians in the Yakima Basin 2008

Presentation by Susan Brady (CWU) on Disease and declining amphibians in the Yakima Basin.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Spring Chinook Interactions Indices 2008

Presentation by Todd Pearsons (WDFW) on Spring Chinook Interactions Indices.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Augmentation of the Greater Sage- Grouse Population on the Yakima Training Center 2008

Presentation by Mike Livingston & Lisa Dunham (WDFW) on  Augmentation of the Greater Sage- Grouse Population on the Yakima Training Center.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakama Nation Water Resources Program Bacteria, Nutrient, and Sediment Loading in Lower Yakima Tributaries, Yakama Reservation 2006-2008 2008

Presentation by Scott Ladd  (YN) on  Bacteria, Nutrient, and Sediment Loading in Lower Yakima Tributaries, Yakama Reservation 2006-2008

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Mapping aquatic habitat in spring Chinook salmon spawning areas of the upper Yakima basin 2008

Presentation by Jeremy Cram (USGS) on Mapping aquatic habitat in spring Chinook salmon spawning areas of the upper Yakima basin.