Reports and Presentations

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Type Subbasin Project Abstract Title Report Date Report Summary
Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Spotted owl demography in the Yakima Basin 2008

Presentation by Stan Sovern (OSU) on  Spotted owl demography in the Yakima Basin.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Kittitas Conservation Trust 2008

Presentation by David Gerth (KCT) on  Kittitas Conservation Trust.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Breeding success of wild and first generation hatchery spring Chinook salmon spawning in an artificial stream 2008

Presentation by Steve Schroder (WDFW) on Breeding success of wild and first generation hatchery spring Chinook salmon spawning in an artificial str

Annual Report Yakima Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project (1992-062-00) 2007(1) Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project Annual Report 2008

2007 (Part 1) Annual report submitted to BPA for the Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetland Restoration Project (1992-062-00).

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Regional Abstract A Ten Minute History of 15 Years of Columbia River ESA Litigation 2008

Presentation by Rob Lothrup (CRITFC) on A Ten Minute History of 15 Years of Columbia River ESA Litigation.

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference White Salmon Abstract Juvenile Salmon Production and Stock Composition in the Lower White Salmon River Prior to Removal of Condit Dam 2008

Presentation by Rod Engle (USFWS) on Juvenile Salmon Production and Stock Composition in the Lower White Salmon River Prior to Removal of Condit Da

Columbia River Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference Klickitat Abstract Columbia Land Trust Private, Voluntary Habitat Conservation and Restoration on the Klickitat River 2008

Presentation by Lindsey Cornelius (CLT) on Columbia Land Trust Private, Voluntary Habitat Conservation and Restoration on the Klickitat River.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakima Tributary Access and Habitat Program (YTAHP) - Reecer Creek Floodplain Restoration Project 2008

Presentation by Carol Ready (RC&D) on the Yakima Tributary Access and Habitat Program (YTAHP) - Reecer Creek Floodplain Restoration Project.

Yakima Basin Science and Management Conference Yakima Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project (#1996-035-01) Steelhead Monitoring on Satus, Toppenish and Ahtanum Creeks 2008

Presentation by Tim Resseguie (YN) on  Steelhead Monitoring on Satus, Toppenish and Ahtanum Creeks. 

Non-target taxa monitoring 2008

Presentation by Gabriel Temple (WDFW) on Non-target taxa monitoring.