Restoration Stories

Yakama Nation Fisheries - Southern Territories Habitat Project: The Blockhouse Creek Riverscape Restoration Project is a Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration project implemented by Yakama Nation and funded by Washington State Dept. of Ecology. Learn more . . .

Klickitat River Floodplain Restoration Project - Haul Road Restoration (2009-2017): Critical spawning, rearing, and migration habitat affected by a legacy road was restored by the Yakama Nation and partners. Learn more . . .

Upper Klickitat River In-channel and Floodplain Enhancement Project: Degraded fish habitat in the upper Klickitat River, resulting from road development, was improved by the Tribe through the enhancement project. Learn more . . .

Tepee Creek Meadows Restoration (Phase 2): To restore some of the most important rearing habitat for steelhead in the Klickitat Subbasin, we used several different techniques. Learn more . . .